Fitness & Weight Loss

10 Day Green Smoothie Cleanse – You In Or Nah?

It all started in the doctor’s office. Okay I’m exaggerating …. it started WELL before the doctor’s office, however, it was today, laying on the exam table legs cocked in the air that I decided that I needed to really give the 10 Day Green Smoothie Cleanse a serious try.

It was today that as I was getting a routine exam that EYE (I) discovered I gained another 20lbs.

Standing on the scale I wanted to tell the little nurse practitioner she was a bold faced lie, but I knew she wasn’t. Staring up at the ceiling I thought to myself:

But you’ve been eating healthy … LIES

You’ve been getting in some activity … LIES

Okay, okay …. what about your portion control …. Girl Bye.

Maybe it’s because you had all your clothes on…. yeah that’s like what? MAYBE a pound or two extra? Even if it was 5lbs worth (I had on a sweater with a tank under, leggings, uggy type boots with thick sock) what about the other 15 bruh?

I really tried to find the mistake, but at the end of the day, like a shopaholic coming through her expenses after a binge I knew it was me.


That realization was like a jolt to my abs (not really), so I did what any reasonable person would do; I went to go get something to eat.

With New Years coming up, I’m not even going to kid myself and pretend that I’m actually going to abide by any type of detox, diet, exercise plan or whatever so I messaged a few of my friends and we decided to do the 10 Day Green Smoothie Cleanse together.

Accountability is everything in these types of situations.

What Is the 10 Day Green Smoothie Cleanse

Basically exactly what the name implies. Created by JJ Smith, for 10 Days you drink a different smoothie. It’s meant to detox your body and prepare you for a lifestyle change.

The thing that made me want to try it most was not only the results (she has a Facebook group with plenty of testimonies), but also the fact that unlike other “cleanses” this one actually encourages you to eat… HELL YEAH!

Listen. I’m not about that starvation life.

That’s the quickest way for me to head to the nearest WingStop and get 15 bone in all flats Louisiana Rub or somewhere that has tacos.

I need to be able to eat on at least a very basic level, but let me get back on track. I decided if this was really going to work I needed some accountability partners, so I asked a few friends to join me, then decided to open it up to the Sexy After Kids community. The more the merrier right?

So are you in? Peep the details below.

10 Day Green Smoothie Cleanse Challenge

WHEN: January 9th – 19th, 2017

WHERE: Your Home and in the Sexy After Kids Facebook Community

WHAT DO YOU NEED TO JOIN: All you have to do is get the 10 Day Green Smoothie Cleanse HERE

All the recipes, shopping lists and appropriate snack items are in the book.

We’ll all be following along and holding each other accountable. So jump in the Facebook group and let’s get this weight in line.


10 Ways To Get Thicker Hair Naturally

10 Ways To Get Thicker Hair Naturally

There are some people who are born with naturally thick hair and then there are others who have to work a little harder to get it. Other factors like age, environment, and diet can take a full head of thick, luscious locks and turn them into thin strands. No matter which category you fit in, flip the page for 10 Ways To Get Thicker Hair Naturally.

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


How To Apply Gel Liner in 5 Easy Steps

How To Apply Gel Liner in 5 Easy Steps

I never thought I’d leave liquid liner alone, but a few months ago I made the switch to gel liner and can I just say … I’m NEVER going back! Aside, from the smooth finish, as someone who’s gone through a million or more q-tips over the years trying to get the perfect line day in and day out, since making the switch, I’ve barely used them at all. Getting the perfect line has become so much easier, however it’s still much different that if you were using a power or pencil.

Below are 5 easy steps I nabbed from Bobbi Brown of how to apply gel liner like a pro

STEP1: Start with a slim and tapered, synthetic bristle brush. If you don’t use a synthetic version, the gel could ruin your brush.

STEP 2: Dip the tip of the brush into the pot to capture the gel. Bring the brush up the sides of the pot to remove any clumps.

STEP 3: Apply the liner very close to the lash line from the outer corner in. If there’s a gap between the eyeliner and your lash line, fill it in with extra liner.

STEP 4: Open your eyes and look to see if you need to make the line thicker (it’s totally up to you). If so, layer the liner and extend outward.

STEP 5: If you want to line your lower lashline, forgo gel and use powder in the same shade as the gel liner that you used. Gel is best for lining your upper lashline.


Welcome to Sexy After Kids

Sexy After Kids Welcome

Hey Girl Hey! Welcome to the official Sexy After Kids website! I’m super excited to finally be able to open up and share the vision with you all.

If you’ve been following me for a while, you’re probably thinking “Well I already know about Sexy After Kids or I’ve seen #SexyAfterKids on Facebook or Instagram etc… for a few years now.”

Technically, you’re right. Sexy After Kids was established in 2011, and to be honest, it’s been a journey. I believe when you have something that you hold so close; an idea, a vision, a movement that you know has potential and hope inspires others it takes time to develop.

And then there’s also the fear factor (yes… there’s been a lot of that on my end too).

The thing is, the journey to becoming Sexy After Kids is a personal one and it’s different for each woman – learn about how we came to be here – and each one of us has different aspects of “sexy” that we desire to see more of.

So whether it’s Beauty & Style, Healthy Living, Weight Loss, Home Life Balance, Relationships or even something like you just want to start a part time business so you can have more flexibility and travel more, I hope that you’ll find something here at Sexy After Kids that will add to your life.

All that being said, be sure to join our mailing list to stay in the loop about upcoming events (yes we’re coming to a city near you) and a chance to be featured on the site!

One more thing before I go … we’re looking for a few guest experts to contribute in the areas of Fitness, Nutrition, Fashion, Hair, and Makeup, as well as a few other areas. If you know anyone, or if that person if you reach out to us through the Guest Contributor page.